Tin Pan Alley 2 is a bimonthly free concert series featuring new musical theatre works to foster a community of emerging musical theatre writers. In 2021, there will be six virtual concerts with 22 songwriters. Each 45-minute concert will have one specific theme:
Here’s what’s up in 2021:

- February: “Love” – Eli Cohen, G. Victoria Campbell, Spencer Robelen & Erin J. Reifler
- April: “International Artists” Marcus Yi, Sam Norman, Alanya Bridge
- June: “Pride” – Gianni Vincenzo Onori & Keurim Hur, Aaron Michael Fink, Jonathan Keebler & Ryan Korell
- August: “Women+Artists” – Rachel Covey, Tidtaya Sinutoke, Katya Stanislavskaya
- October: “Halloween” – Benjamin Halstead & Joey Contreras, Spicer Carr, Hilmi Jaidin

- December: “Holidays” – Justin Payne, Dylan Schifrin, Amanda Yesnowitz
- Each featured songwriter (or songwriting team) can present three pre-recorded song performance videos during their 12-minute set. The curators and hosts of Tin Pan Alley 2 Concert Series are Durra Leung and Sam Rosenblatt who also conduct interviews.