Green Light Group Productions has announced the cast and creative team for the July 2022 Off-Broadway premiere of Audrey: The New Musical, by Danielle Moore, directed and choreographed by Kelli-Ann Paterwic.
Audrey will feature newcomer Marina Yiannouris (Milburn Stone Theatre’s The Wizard of Oz) as Academy Award Winner Audrey Hepburn, Brenton Cosier (Comedy Central’s Ronny Chieng, International Student) as Academy Award Winner Bill Holden, Charlotte Odusanya (Rent 25th Anniversary Farewell Tour) as Grammy Award Winner Ella Fitzgerald and Academy Award-winning costume designer Edith Head, and Bradley Lewis (IFC Films’ Resurrection) as Academy Award Winner Gregory Peck.
The new musical will also feature Sam Asa Brownstein (Syracuse Stage’s Matilda) as fashion designer Hubert de Givenchy, Hannah Beemer (Paper Mill Playhouse’s Teen Showcase) as Young Audrey, Lara Strong (Royal New Zealand Ballet) as Young Audrey Alternate, Christopher Cheng (Super Secret Arts’ Super Secret Cabaret) as Academy Award Winner Humphrey Bogart, James C. Harris (Philadelphia Theatre Company’s Play Brawl Gala) as Academy Award Nominee Mel Ferrer, Tiffany Furicchia (Grosse Pointe PAC’s Hairspray) as Marilyn Monroe, and Sasha Spitz (The Carnegie’s Little Shop of Horrors) as Female Swing.
Performances will begin Thursday, July 28, 2022, at The Players Theatre (115 MacDougal Street, New York, NY). The production will run through Sunday, August 28, 2022.
Lead Photo: Marina Yiannouris (Audrey Hepburn), Charlotte Odusanya (Ella Fitzgerald, Edith Head), Brenton Cosier (Bill Holden)