The Delacorte Theatre in Central Park is the home for this new musical adaptation by Alex Timbers who directs, based on the play by William Shakespeare, with music by Michael Friedman, running July 23 thru August 18.
It is filled with romance, revelry and music in a contemporary version true to Shakespeare’s comedy. The King and his best buddies decide to swear off women at their five year college reunion. Easy to say, hard to do when four little clever cuties from their past show up. Maybe their decision needs some rethinking!
This Love’s Labour’s Lost is a sexy, irreverent and madcap celebration of true love and coming of age in an unexpected evening of song, sonnets and Shakespeare joining forces in the magical setting of the great outdoors.
Tickets are FREE and distributed day of each performance at the Delacorte Theatre in Central Park or in a virtual online lottery. Find out more at
*Photo: Tammy Shell