Marvelous Marilyn Maye is back! Beginning on April 17th, she’s ready to wow audiences Her Way at 54 Below with a Salute to Frank Sinatra on his Centennial.
The particular magic of Her Way is its melding of two unique artists, one in spirit, the other in the flesh, into an evening in the theater that boasts not just one but two living legends. It doesn’t get any better than this.
Of course, Marilyn Maye is an artist for connoisseurs and her powerhouse delivery and chatty rapport with the audience is what holds the evening together and electrifies the proceedings.
The aptly named production is an unabashed valentine to the late superstar, from the Super Singer that pays tribute to Sinatra’s career with an immensely talented peer’s interpretations of the songs that made Sinatra famous. It’s a full-scale labor of love for another performer that is rarely seen from an artist of Maye’s stature, and that is exactly what makes the show a must-see experience.
I’m told that there are already several performances nearly sold out with special group parties who are celebrating Sinatra and Maye.
Marilyn has friends/fans who will be flying into New York from around the world, including a prominent Hong Kong architect, Grover Dear, coming in from Hong Kong and bringing friends; there are friends from Ft Lauderdale, who have followed her to various cities in the country – – – Kansas City, her yearly summer engagements – – – the posh lake resort in northern Iowa ( July will be Marilyn’s 58th year there) and Provincetown, where they have attended all four years of her appearances at The Art House Theater and plan to see her there again in August.
Loyal followers are coming in from Houston, (they’ve never missed one of her 54 Below performances) Kansas City, Washington DC, Palm Springs and Los Angeles. And Assembly Woman Rebecca Seawright will celebrate her birthday with many friends and Marilyn as well at 54 Below. I think 54 Below is gonna need wall-stretchers nightly for these upcoming shows!
Her dates run thru April 30th and there’s even a special brunch performance this time. Check at for exact dates/times. USE CODE HERWAYS for $5 OFF Cover Charge in the Main Dining Room.
See you at this very special event!
Tickets: (646) 476-3551
254 W 54TH ST, CELLAR, NEW YORK, NY 10019