Calling All Designers to LaMama’s Design Fest! Created and Curated by Hao Bai Application Deadline: Sept. 9, 2020 by 11:59pm (EST)
DesignFest is an online theatre design festival to celebrate and support emerging theatre designers in the time of pandemic and beyond. The goal is to foster and realize new ideas and generate opportunities. Calling for emerging theatre designers who specialize in one of these design categories: lighting, scenic, sound, projection, costume and multidisciplinary design to submit work for review by a panel of distinguished theater artists.
Winners’ work will be presented in a live-streamed celebration on September 29th at 7pm. One grand prize winner will receive the opportunity to design a show in La MaMa’s 60th season.
Application Deadline: Sept. 9, 2020 by 11:59pm (EST) Judging Committee: Jiyoun Chang (Lighting), Mimi Lien (Scenic), Justin Hicks (Sound), Hao Bai (Projection), Gabriel Berry (Costume)