Chicken and Biscuits, a comedy written by Douglas Lyons and directed by Zhailon Levingston, will run at the Circle in the Square Theatre, beginning performances on September 23, with opening night set for October 10.
The new play tells the story of the two sisters who attempt to put their differences aside when it comes time to bury their father … until the sister they didn’t know existed arrives at the funeral. Previously announced cast members include Norm Lewis as Reginald and Michael Urie as Logan.
Completing the ensemble are Cleo King as Baneatta, NaTasha Yvette Williams as Brianna, Devere Rogers as Kenny, Ebony Marshall-Oliver as Beverly, Aigner Mizzelle as La’trice, and Alana Raquel Bowers as Simone. Understudies and standbys are Dean Acree, Jennifer Fouché, Michael Genet, Miles G Jackson, and Camille Upshaw.
Photo: Cleo King, Alana Raquel Bowers, Ebony Marshall-Oliver, Aigner Mizzelle